Sunday, July 19, 2009

I have returned

Greetings, it is I, your one time leader. Yes, I have returned. Quite frankly, I'm shocked anyone still comes here. I know I did not set a good example at ALL. -is embarrassed- However, I shall endeavor to actually stick around this time.

Just a note: I have forgotten the password to my email address. -is still embarrassed- I'm doing what I can to recover it from Gmail, but, if I can't, then I will have to make a new email. I apologize sincerely to all of you for this.

Hmm, what else? I admit to not having looked through the entire forum yet, but things seem to be under control. If I find issues, I will address them individually. Hopefully I won't find any. -grins-

Pleased to have returned,
--Queen of Angst, alias Anne

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