Thursday, May 1, 2008

Inactive users

There are a few users on the site who have no messages, and even 1 who never even activated his/her account. Because this is a site that requires user participation, I am going to institute a policy as of now: every week, on either Saturday or Sunday, I will delete any users who have no posts. I understand that you might not have had the chance to get on, and you will have a 2 day grace period for both posting and activating. If you don't know what to say, make an introduction thread for yourself. You cannot post in the role play until you create a character, but you can comment on other characters and post fiction. There's plenty to do, and you don't need to wait until you have a character. It would be nice if you started working on one, but it's not required. Just make sure to post.

~Queen of Angst

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